SRS Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. Manufactures Capsule for Curing Liver Diseases. SRS Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. Is an ISO 9001: 2000 awarded company that also manufactures wide range of avant-garde finished pharmaceuticals formulations. Capsule for Curing Liver Diseases contains Kutki [Picrorrhiza kurroa] and Bhui Amla [Phyllanthus niruri]. Kutki is used as a liver tonic. It is used in various diseases of liver and spleen, including jaundice and anaemia. Bhui Amla has a role in liver disorders due to its febrifuge, antiseptic, astringent, stomachic, deobstruent and diuretic actions. The capsule acts as a liver tonic and rejuvenator during long-term antibiotic therapy, hepato-toxic drug therapy, viral hepatitis treatment, alcohol abuse and radiation/chemotherapy induced liver damage.